Rabu, 12 Juli 2023

Tun Mahathir Mohamad genap 98 tahun masih galau dengan nasib orang Melayu

Dr Mahathir Mohamad baru saja genap 98 tahun. Selamat hari jadi. Panjang umur dan terus berpolitik untuk Malaysia. Khususnya memperjuangkan nasib orang Melayu.

Tun Mahathir bukan orang sembarangan. Politikus kawakan ini sangat lama jadi perdana menteri Malaysia. 22 tahun. Tak kenal pensiun. Bahkan, di usia jelang satu abad pun Mahathir terus melakukan manuver politik.

Mahathir bersama koalisi Pakatan Harapan berhasil menumbangkan PM Najib Razak dari UMNO. Mahathir pun jadi PM selama 22 bulan. Itu juga berkat jasa partai berbasis Tionghoa dan India bernama DAP: Democratic Action Party.

PM Mahathir dijatuhkan rekan-rekannya sendiri. Orang Melayu semua. Tapi kini Mahathir terlihat sangat anti DAP. Dia melihat DAP dan orang Tionghoa di Malaysia sebagai ancaman untuk orang Melayu. Padahal, katanya, Malaysia itu negara Melayu. Orang Tionghoa, Tamil, India sejatinya cuma pendatang.

Karena itu, hak-hak para imigran ini tidak bisa disamakan dengan orang Melayu. Dan itu disebut jelas di "pelembagaan" atau konstitusi. Mahathir khawatir orang Melayu yang sudah lemah di bidang politik bakal terpuruk pula di kuasa politik. Mengingat DAP dengan 40 kursi merupakan partai terbesar di pemerintahan PM Anwar Ibrahim.

Masih dalam suasana hari jadinya ke-98, Tun Mahathir jalan-jalan ke pusat perbelanjaan di Kuala Lumpur. Ia terkesan dengan kehebatan orang Tionghoa Malaysia mampu membangun shopping center yang modern. Tidak kalah dengan di London, Tokyo, Seoul. 

Namun, di balik keindahan dan kemewahan pusat belanja itu, Mahathir yang leluhurnya orang India jadi ingat nasib orang Melayu. Lalu Tun M menulis artikel atau pernyataan politik. Masih sama nadanya. Memperjuangkan hak-hak orang Melayu. Menganggap orang Chinese di Malaysia sebagai ancaman.


By Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad

1. I visited one of the newest shopping complexes in Kuala Lumpur.
2. I was impressed.
3. It is not a shopping complex. 
4. It is a town, a fully air-conditioned town protected from the sun and rain.
5. There are streets lined with brand named shops, with products displayed beautifully.

6. There are restaurants and supermarkets.
7. Outside more streets, paved, lined by beautifully designed shops.
8. Then there are high rise condos.
9. It is a fantastic development and must have cost billions.
10. I toured the shopping area on a buggy. Too long to walk.

11. I am sure the project belong to Malaysian Chinese. 
12. It is more grand than the shopping complexes in London, Tokyo or Seoul, Korea.
13. I feel proud.
14. Really the Malaysian Chinese have good ideas and the money to realise these ideas.
15. Much of development in this country are by the Malaysian Chinese.

16. The Malays cannot do it.
17. They don't have the money or the ideas.
18. Their shops are the stalls on the roadside, ramshackle affairs, with blue plastic roofs.
19. Yes, there are Malays who have made good, but there are so few of them.
20. The Malays accepted that the Chinese dominate the economy.

21. They are very good in business.
22. The Malays cannot compete against them.
23. But in the past the Malays dominate the political arena and the administration.
24. So there was a balance.
25. But not now. Now the Chinese are also politically powerful.

26. And they intend to be even more powerful.
27. If they dominate the political arena also, what is there left for the Malays.
28. Is it wrong for the Malays to try to regain a little of their former political dominance.
29. Yes, they are striving for Malay unity.
30. It is not against the Chinese.

31. For over 60 years the Malays dominated the Government.
32. But it was during that time that the Chinese of Malaysia greatly prospered.
33. If the Malays regains the political power, the Chinese would still be needed to prosper the nation.
34. The country would still be a Malay country. It had always been a Malay country.
35. The population may be multiracial.

36. But it does not mean that this country has ceased to be a Malay country.
37. In other countries where migrants settle, they become assimilated.
38. The Malays made a concession to accommodate Chinese and Indians migrants.
39. They need not be assimilated upon gaining citizenship.

40. But that does not mean that the identity of this country must change.
41. By all means make money in Malaysia.
42. Build your super shopping towns.
43. But do not deprive the Malays of their country and their history.
44. Allow the Malays to have their share.

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